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Camera Detected Mobile Phone and Seat Belt Offences

Camera Detected Mobile Phone and Seat Belt Offences

Cameras are everywhere.

Camera Detected Mobile Phone and Seat Belt Offences

Each Australian state and territory has jumped on the bandwagon of camera detected mobile phone and seatbelt offences – and Queensland seems to be leading the charge!

It’s not just using your phone whilst driving, you will be fined if your phone is sitting on your lap or your leg, even if the phone is switched off.

You are still in trouble if you use (handle?) your phone if the car is stopped at traffic lights or if you pull over to the side of the road, you must turn the car engine off before you use your phone.

 Camera Detected Mobile Phone and Seat Belt Offences

It’s not just a case of wearing your seatbelt, it must be worn properly and everyone else in the car must have their seatbelts worn properly .

If the camera records that the seatbelt is under your armpit, instead of being over your shoulder, you are gone!

The driver can be fined if anyone in the vehicle fails to wear a seatbelt or wears the seatbelt improperly.

If any passenger over the age of 16yrs is not complying with the law, both the passenger and the driver are likely to be fined. 


We have had a worrying spate of these traffic offences involving some of our customers, and they are certainly not cheap.

The current penalty on each of these offences is $1161.00 (slated to increase in July) plus 4 Demerit points.

Of course, the Demerit points double on prime holiday weekends – but there is another kicker inasmuch as a repeat performance within twelve months will be met with double Demerit points – bang goes your licence!


In response, we have added mobile phone holders to our Holiday Accessory options at just $5.50 for the 1st week and $0.50 per day thereafter.

We go one step further for our repeat customers by making the phone holder free to them for the duration of their rental.  

We hope that our mobile phone holder and the warning about seatbelts will help our customers to ensure that their holiday expenditure is only spent on nice or happy things, instead of on nasties.

Posted By darryl

Updated : 17th April 2024 | Words : 355 | Views : 1252

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Camera Detected Mobile Phone and Seat Belt Offences
Camera Detected Mobile Phone and Seat Belt Offences
Camera Detected Mobile Phone and Seat Belt Offences

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place1 Wheeler Crescent (Cnr Villiers Drive), Currumbin Waters, Queensland 4223
phone1300 301 002